
Calamari, 2016

Purchase from Calamari.
Purchase from SPD.

“It is a sumptuous feast and a rotting; grotesque and greenly lavish all at once. …Beastlife is also a dense and philosophical book, heavy with language and concept, at the same time as it is bursting with fecundity and fetid detail, with lush green overgrowth and the stench of death and feathers. Chapman’s stated influences range from Derrida and Celan and Barthes, to taxidermy magazines and Charles Darwin and The Iliad, and beyond. …It is romantic, in a fecund, heavy, earthy sort of way—replete with dead fawns and doves’ rib cages, ticks and blood—but there is an edge of the brutal, of emptiness or violence, present from the start.” —Arianne Zwartjes in Tarpaulin Sky



Minor Literatures

Necessary Fiction

Tarpaulin Sky

Something on Paper

Rough Ghosts


To Limn/Lying In


A Thing of Shreds and Patches