
Fabric / Tear

“The Blue Skirt: Animating the Banal through the Three Modes of Inquiry”
“Writing about Things” Hui (Roundtable), moderated by Brooke Wonders. NonfictioNOW Conference, Massey University, New Zealand, December 2021.

“Text in Textiles: A Critical/Creative Hybrid Panel”
with Jena Osman, Lisa Anne Auerbach, and Francesca Capone. &Now Conference. Bothell, WA, September 2019.

“The Artist’s Book as Palimpsest”
Attention-In-attention Graduate Conference, University of Denver, October 2005.

“Writing on the Lip of the Void”
Community Practice Day Panel hosted by the Jack Kerouac School, Naropa University, October 2013.

Emergent Resonance

“Impermanence, No-Self, Suffering and Nonfiction Writing”
Dharma Talk, Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, June 2024.

“More Than a Prisoner Now: Expressive Pedagogy, English Composition, and the Prison Classroom”
“Teaching Composition” panel with Natalie Quenneville. Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, University of Wyoming, Golden, October 2023.

“Deep Engagement and Panoramic Awareness: Mindful Scholarship and the Dissolution of Disciplines”
“The Mindful Intersection of Pedagogy and Scholarship” panel with Matthew Leporati, Donetta Hines, and Jen Sweeney, Northeast Modern Language Association, SUNY Buffalo, Niagara Falls, March 2023.

“Archive, Alchemy, & Installation
Panel chair with Caroline Bergvall, Julie Carr, Janice Lowe, and Eric Mena. Summer Writing Program hosted by the Jack Kerouac School, Naropa University, July 2019.

“Alternative Histories”
Panel chair with Mary-Kim Arnold, Erik Anderson, Angela Pelster-Wiebe, and Michael Steinberg, NonfictioNOW Conference, Phoenix, AZ, November 2018.

“Research and Reckoning: Documentary Practices and Poetics”
Summer Writing Program hosted by the Jack Kerouac School, Naropa University, June 2017.

“Consenting to the Emergency / the Emergent as Consensuality”
Summer Writing Program hosted by the Jack Kerouac School, Naropa University, July 2016.

“Endangered Life Forms /Literary Forms”
with Selah Saterstrom, Sherwin Bistui, and Rachel Levitsky. Summer Writing Program hosted by the Jack Kerouac School, Naropa University, June 2015.

“Three Hauntings and the Question of Record”
Summer Writing Program hosted by the Jack Kerouac School, Naropa University, June 2014.

Small Press Publishing Panel
The Publishing Workshop at CU-Boulder, in conjunction with Subito Press, Counterpath Press, Denver, November 2012.


“Multivalence of the Image: The Image as Investigative Tool”
Text/Image Symposium hosted by the Jack Kerouac School, Naropa University, March 2017.

“Ekphrasis Goes Prose”
with Danielle Dutton, Lucy Ives, and Amina Cain. AWP Conference, Minneapolis, MN, April 2015.

“The Photograph as Investigative Tool in George Didi-Huberman’s Cultural Study The Invention of Hysteria and W.G. Sebald’s Novel Austerlitz
Fifth Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association, Portland State University, April 2007.

“Genuine Madness: The Use of the Photograph in Georges Didi-Huberman’s The Invention of Hysteria
The Language of Images: An International, Interdisciplinary Conference on Text and Image, Central Connecticut State University, March 2007.

“Nonnarrative Structure and Photographic Images in W. G. Sebald’s The Emigrants
The Language of Images: An International, Interdisciplinary Conference on Text and Image, Central Connecticut State University, March 2007.

"The Photograph as Aesthetic Tool of Investigation in George Didi-Huberman's The Invention of Hysteria and W.G. Sebald's Austerlitz"
NeMLA Conference, Baltimore, March 2007.

“Multivalence of the Photographic Image: The Photograph as Investigative Tool in W.G. Sebald’s Austerlitz
Works in Progress Research Sharing. University of Denver, November 2006.

Lyric / Prose

“Moving Outside the Limits of Self in Creative Nonfiction”
Mile High MFA Craft Talk, Regis University, Denver, January 2024.

“I Look into the Horizons of the House: Where the Familiar Gives Way to Mystery“
“Poetics of Space” panel with Emily Skillings, Amy Sailer, Lindsey Webb, Theo Loftis, Charles Cell, and Alyssa Jewell, Northeast Modern Language Association, SUNY Buffalo, Niagara Falls, March 2023.

“The Sentence of Absolute Time and Space: Ascendant and Peripatetic Point of View in Lyric Prose”
“Narrative Practices” Panel with Danielle Vogel and Robert Glück. Jack Kerouac School Spring Symposium, Naropa University, March 2022.

“Influence & Inspiration: Toward New Chords of Thought”
Craft talk. Mile High MFA Winter Residency hosted by Regis University, Denver, January 2022.

“Lyric Space in W.G. Sebald’s The Emigrants
Presentation for the Evan Frankel Dissertation Fellowship, University of Denver, May 2007.



