
I have taught graduate and undergraduate writing and literature students
at the University of Denver, the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Central Florida, and Naropa University, where I was Director of the Low-Residency MFA and the BA/MFA Program Coordinator.

I’m currently the Program Coordinator of the MA Specializations in Creative Writing, Literature, and Pedagogy In the English Department at Regis University. I also coordinate the non-traditional English Core and teach within the Mile High MFA.

To inquire about my guest teaching availability,
contact me via email at jlynchapman@gmail.com.

Classes Offered

Practice and Praxis

Paint/Words: Process / Failure / Form
Interpersonal Communication
Writing as Social Action
Inside/Out Prison Education Program
Publishing Practicum
Writing and Research for Academic Reasoning
Writing Feminist & Queer Poetics
Editing the Critical and Creative
Creative Writing in the Literature Classroom
Writing & Rhetoric of Creative Nonfiction
Philosophy of Art & Design
BA & MFA Thesis Advisor


Contemplative Experiments
Mind Moving
Text & Image
Cross-genre Writing
Creative Nonfiction
Flash Fiction
Passages in Prose
Writing the Sacred and Profane
Somatic Writing

Margins and the Avant-Garde

The Body as Subaltern
Somatic Forms
Feminist Theory
Women Writers, Open Texts
Documentary Poetry
Poetics of History
Die of Thy Pain and My Delight: The Bittersweet in the Sapphic Tradition
Origin, Migration, and Diaspora
Visual Art and Literature
Text and Image
The Poetics of Meaning: The Absurdists, Futurists and Language Poets


Literary Time Periods
Global Literature
Literary Criticism and Theory
Introduction to Women’s Literature
Contemporary Trends
Advanced Inquiry and Critical Theory
Reading Women’s Fiction

