Interviews conducted

CONVERSANT SERIES: In 2013-14, I served as a regular contributor to the interview-based website The Conversant, founded by Andy Fitch. On a nearly monthly basis, I curated interviews between my undergraduate and graduate students in Naropa University’s Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. Occasionally, I did the interviewing. Interviews conducted with: Rachel Blau duPlessis, Bin Ramke, Maggie Nelson, Danielle Dutton, Brenda Coultas, J. Hillis Miller, Suzanne Scanlon, and Michelle Naka Pierce.

Interview with Bin Ramke. Something on Paper. June 2014.

Interview with Lisa Robertson. Denver Quarterly. 42.3 (2008).

Interviews given

Interviews curated

In 2015, I curated a series of interviews conducted by my Open Text students with writers Jenny Boully, Renee Gladman, and Cole Swensen, which was published as a digital chapbook by Essay Press.

“Sometimes, a text is what wakes you. You instantly feel as if some exile has finally and only that instant ended, though you hadn’t quite realized you’d been in exile until then.” —from the afterward by Danielle Dutton

The Form Our Curiosity Takes: A Pedagogy of Conversation. Curated by and with an introduction from J’Lyn Chapman, afterword by Danielle Dutton. Chapbook with Essay Press. February 2015.

Book Reviews

Renee Gladman’s Event Factory and Barbara Comyns’ Who Was Changed and Who Was Dead. Bombay Gin 37.1 (2010)

Aase Berg’s With Deer (translated by Johannes Göransson). Bombay Gin 36.1 (2009)

“BlazeVOX and the Publishing Practices of the Post-Avant: Amy King’s I’m the Man Who Loves You, Jared Schickling’s Aurora, and Joseph Cooper’s Autobiography of a Stutterer.” Reconfigurations Nov. 2007.

“On Richard Meier’s Shelley Gave Jane a Guitar.” Denver Quarterly 42.1 (2007).

Rachel Moritz’s The Winchester Monologues. CutBank Poetry 4 Dec. 2006.

“This Attraction to a Window: On Brigitte Byrd.” Denver Quarterly 40.3 (2006)

Sara Veglahn and Noah Eli Gordon’s That We Come to Consensus. CutBank Poetry 3 April 2006.